It's important to keep questioning and talking ...

We've been having some fabulous conversations about the planetary emergency with locals and visitors alike down at Single-Use Planet? in the old NatWest Bank in Grange over Sands. 

Some folks are unsure if it's really an emergency, some thinking it's too late, some wondering what they can do about it and feeling a bit helpless. We talk, share personal thoughts and experiences and ideas and tricks to try. We make new connections and strengthen existing ones to support each other and share our love for this amazing planet.

We hope everyone leaves with renewed vigour - the comments in the visitors book and their newly made pledges seem to suggest they do!

Have you visited yet? 
What do you think of the exhibition?

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OPEN: Mon-Sat, 11-5, until 29th February
AT: Old NatWest Bank, Main Street, Grange, LA11 6DS
LATE NIGHT: Thursday 27th Feb, 5-7pm, to coincide with SLDC Climate Conversation which starts at 7pm at Victoria Hall
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Why not:
- Join us for a beach clean at 2pm this Saturday? 
- Visit our pop up zero waste shop, 11-2 next Wednesday
- Check the Events list for more ... 

Facebook: www.facebook/singleuseplanet